December 2023 | Issue 10




Grads grads grads!

How is it already December? The year of 2023 seems to have flown by and we are already ready to celebrate our December class of 2023 graduates, get some well deserved rest during winter break, spend time with our loved ones during the holidays and ring in the 2024 new year! Whew, so much to look forward to in December! Here’s some more helpful dates, holidays and more to help with your content plans for this next month! Have a safe and happy winter break and holidays friends, we are looking forward to connecting with you all in the new year!

Students Graduating Silhouette
  • Dec. 4: National Cookie Day
  • Dec. 7: First day of Hanukkah
  • Dec. 7-10: December school and departmental commencement ceremonies
  • Dec. 8: Last day of classes – MCV Campus & National Chocolate Brownie Day
  • Dec. 9: December Universitywide Commencement Ceremony
  • Dec. 11: Last day of classes - Monroe Park Campus & Last day for grades of incomplete to be converted from spring semester or summer sessions
  • Dec. 11-15: Final examinations – MCV Campus
  • Dec. 12-19: Final examinations – Monroe Park Campus
  • Dec. 15: Bill of Rights Day & Last day of Hanukkah
  • Dec. 20: Final grades are due by noon using Faculty eServices
  • Dec. 21: First day of Winter Solstice
  • Dec. 22-Jan. 1: University closed - University will close at noon on Dec. 22
  • Dec. 24: Christmas Eve
  • Dec. 25: Christmas Day
  • Dec. 26: Kwanzaa starts
  • Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve

More events can be found in the VCU Telegram, the academic calendar and VCU RamsConnect.

7 Tips to Rest and Recharge

this Holiday Season

Here are seven tips to recharge, relax and reenergize this holiday season to help you and your team become more productive, innovative, and successful in 2024:

1. Give yourself permission to rest and recharge with family, friends or time alone. Permit yourself and have this intention so that you will make it a priority and you will follow through.

2. Set time aside for reflection. There are two ways you can reflect on the past year: talking about it with your loved ones or journaling about what you learned, your highs and lows, what you are hopeful for, and how grateful you are.

3. Schedule time to spend in nature without technology. Spending time in nature decreases anxiety and stress, giving you new insights into your life and business. You can do it alone, or you can do it with friends and family.

4. Do active relaxation activities. Active relaxation activities are personal and are things you like to do. These can include playing cards, reading, creating art, and playing board games with friends and family. These activities allow your brain, body and mind to rest and relax.

5. Start a daily meditation practice, whether it is formal or informal meditation. Formal meditation is when you are sitting on a meditation pillow or lying down and going through a guided meditation. You can also do a full-body scan or just a belly-breathing meditation. Informal meditation is practiced anywhere, and you take a moment to pause, tune into the present moment, and focus on all five senses.

6. Focus on gratitude and mindfulness. There is so much to be thankful for and counting your blessings and savoring the good is essential. Our brain has a negative bias as it tries to protect us from harm. Be intentional and take time to notice the good things in your life. Share them with family and friends and see the good and all the blessings in your life.

7. Visualize your future self. Take time to see yourself one or two years from now and connect to your future self's life and career. Envision your successes, the incredible relationships you will have, and the advancements in your health and wellness.

Talk about these seven tips with your team before everyone takes time off for the holiday season, and lead by example. When you give your team the tools to rest and recharge, they will return to work stronger and reenergized, ready to work. Remember, happy teams are successful teams!

Source: LinkedIn Article

Helpful links

vector icon for Copy Link, Linked, Chain, Durable, Connect, Connection

Where to submit a Jira ticket:

Social media response tree graphic and social media admin Google folder:

VCU/VCU Health brand site:

Brand Office Email:

Photo asset library (you will need to request a log in from the website provided here):

Download Adobe at VCU:

How to get the Thunderhouse font on Adobe:

Social media admin FB group:

President Rao’s social media accounts:

*Feel free to tag Dr. Rao in any content for us to repost, or you can email photos/videos to Loan Nguyen at

Model release form and terms of use:

FAQs &


FAQ Line Icon
  • UNcommon branding update:
    • This month, VCU Health begins its UNcommon brand launch.
    • Check out the brand website to login and download logos, letterheads, templates, social frames and more.
  • Can my student intern be an admin for our accounts?
    • No, your student intern should not be an admin, aka a manager of your social media accounts. However, they may help you create and post content. Only full time employees should be registered admins. Update admins here.
  • How do I make sure my social media posts are accessible?
  • Where do I find the social media guidelines?
    • Find checklists for social admins and more here.
  • What are the first things I should do when a social media admin leaves or changes?
    • Change the passwords to your accounts and put in a ticket to Jira to update admin contacts for your social media channels.
  • What email should I use for social accounts?
    • Please remember to create and log into your accounts with an official VCU email account (university group). If you need to set up a university group account, complete an IT Service Desk request.
  • When are the social media admin meetings?
    • Monthly social admin meetings take place every 3rd Tuesday of the month at noon via Zoom! The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at noon! We will be skipping the December and January meetings and resuming in February.
  • Missed a monthly meeting or newsletter?
    • Check out our social admin Google Drive here or our monthly newsletters here.

Have suggestions or questions?

Reach out to us for questions, concerns or recommendations:

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